Author: Sahil Shah

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The Visiter: Chapter 4

Shanaya was returning home after her friend’s birthday celebrations. She was never so late before and the thing that made her worry was her hostel’s warden. She was not sure what her reaction would be although she had informed well in advance about the delay. It was 11 o’clock when they all decided to finally…
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The Visitor : Chapter 3

It was pretty dark. The mobile flashlight was not sufficient and both of them were struggling to make themselves comfortable. The girl was very scared and looked timid, but that did not mean he was comfortable with her inside the house. The appearance did not prove her innocence. Mohan placed an emergency lamp in the…
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The Visitor : Chapter 2

It was 12 pm when Mohan woke up, his hangover still reminding him of the guilt of drinking too much and that’s when he made a fake promise to himself that he would never drink again. He didn’t have any plans for Sunday and so he decided to focus on the passionate side of his…
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The Visitor

Chapter 1 With sweat tickling down his forehead, Mohan was struggling to survive his every next day amidst the dusty and humid weather of Udaipur. It had just been 1 month that he had shifted from Haryana. Mohan had rented a house far from the main city, away from the crowd. He had a very…
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5 Life Lessons To Learn From Thanos

Marvel has always been top notch with its movies. Whether be it Marvel’s Avengers or the thrilling Avengers Endgame, all of them just keeps us glued to our seats. Despite the fact that Loki in the inital movies wasn’t much desirable on the villain’s part. But Thanos stepping in took the whole game to another…
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The Pandemic’s Positives

Coronavirus, the word itself sounds like a threat nowadays. Nobody had even imagined just a small virus would shatter the whole world. Thousands of people lost their loved ones, companies lost millions of revenues and the world economies have shaken. It has created deep and heavy impacts on our lives. Every bad situation has a…
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6 Interesting Things To Do During Lockdown

The lockdown has just made our lives miserable. With plenty of time in our hands and nothing to do it just makes our mind idle. And we all know that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. We all tend to make plans for our vacations like outings, hanging out with friends, shopping at malls…
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