Dassault Rafale: A Child Born with Controversies-(I)

Dassault Rafale: A Child Born with Controversies-(I)

Since 2016 many of us have heard about the word “Rafale“, either on trending topics of Twitter, News Channel or from our Intelligent Opposition Leaders.


  • After the Kargil War in 2003 Indian Airforce(IAF) urged a need for a new Fighter plan.
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government initiate the process but was unable to complete by 2014 and the congress government came to the power.
  • Inspan of successive ten years INC government was just able to complete the tender process and selected Dassault to build fighter planes.
  • In 2014, when Modi Government came into the power they relooked into the matter and directly contacted France Government to fix the deal.




  • 10 years is a long period but INC was not able to complete the deal they were just able to select the company and started negotiations with Dassault.
  • The deal offered by Congress was to buy 126 Rafale from Dassault from which 18 Fighter planes will be from France and rest other 108 would be made in India after technology transfer by Dassault.
  • And the average price for each plane was planned around 526 cr.
  • In 2015, Modi government fix a new deal with the help of France government in which Dassault would be supplying 36 fighter planes which are to be made in France, and 110 would be made in India.
  • The average price for 146 fighter planes got around 1670 Cr, such a hefty amount isn’t it an unreasonable deal.
  • But the deal by PM Modi constituted missiles, weapon, insurance, Indian specific modifications, maintenance, the guarantee of the 36 made in France planes and offset.
  • There was an offset (it is part of the deal which insure that some percent of the amount of deal should be reinvested by the seller company in any of the company of buyer) which was 50% and it was 20% more than the UPA deal.
  • Congress claimed that PM Modi gave benefits to their Capitalist Friend Anil Ambani and not to the public sector companies like HAL, but actually HAL is not working in Offsets

So this was all about Rafale Deal, will meet soon with a new blog on Rafale

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